
Monday, March 31, 2008


The Sili Valley is having a pretty bad economic downturn right now. The company that I thank for giving me a job when I got laid off during the last recession, and for introducing me to several close friends, and for paying for a big chunk of my condo, recently had their first layoff. Fortunately, my aforementioned friends did not lose their jobs, but it's still sad to see. This company had continued to grow even in the ugly years of 2000-2002.

The economy of the Silicon Valley is known for being cyclic. Actually, the semiconductor industry, specifically, is cyclic, and that trickles throughout the rest of the Sili Valley and then to the rest of high-tech industry. Part of working in high-tech was taking the busts with the booms. I just hope most sili valley-ites will come out of this one okay, and that it doesn't last too long!

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