
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Most awesome day of skiing EVER!

Well, once I got past the guilt of skiing without Autumn. Most of the snow in our neighborhood has turned to ice, so I came into town to go skiing with Ness. We thought we were on a 7-mile loop, but after about seven miles, we were still headed AWAY from her cabin, so we started to think, "uh-oh." We were getting kind of too tired/lazy to ski back the way we had come, and were sure that there was a loop back that would be closer, but we just kept taking wrong trails and couldn't figure out the way.

Then a musher came along, as lost as we were. Well, we knew the way back but were merely too lazy to take it. She had a dog team and extra capacity. Why not hitch a ride?

"Hop aboard!"

Musher's view:

It's Musher's Hall! We made it back!

Is this the coolest story ever, or what? How many times have you been lost hiking or skiing and hitched a ride back on a dog sled?

:D :D :D

BTW, Autumn is pretty much back to normal now, although I'm still not supposed to let her run very fast (a real challenge, as she is very strong and very impatient!) Here she is watching her dinner get prepared:

"Oh! Is that for meeeeeeee?"

Incidentally, I have apparently put seven pounds on Autumn since November. That would be like me gaining twenty-five pounds! Holy crap! But I think she was too thin before, and looks much better now. And she's strong and active, nowhere near what you could call fat. Uhhhh Allison, are you reading this? I'm not making the dog you gave me fat, I promise! I'm not! Round is a shape!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I swear she has some kind of magical Anime cuteness eyes. :)