BEHBEH PYGMY HIPPO! He's only just bigger than a lettuce leaf! And round! And smiley! And nekkid! Gaaaaaahhhhh! Found two other photos of him here and here.
Ahhh.... I forgot there is one other thing I had wanted to report. Well, the city of Fairbanks sends this sort of shrub-destroyer truck around the neighborhoods once a year or so and obliterates the little brushy stuff growing on the sides of the road. It definitely increases safety as it increases visibility between the driveways and the streets. Anyway, my neighborhood got the treatment a few days ago. Add to that the fact that most of the leaves have fallen off the trees. And me, I had forgotten that there is somewhat less privacy in my front yard now. I think a bus full of school kids saw me take my morning pee squatting in my yard this morning. Arrrrgggghhhh. Haha. Methinks I should get re-acquainted with my outhouse. I hadn't been using it because, well, why bother? I live in Ester. The front yard is much closer to my front door, haha.
Daisy, there is just so much wrong with that last paragraph. (snicker snicker)
And yet so much right. You are now my heroine.
Happy August Moon Day to you. We are together in MV to share a moon cake and one piece is for you.
Mail it to me! Haha.
Yep, you are definitely a Fairbanksian now.
OT: Since you like baby critters, did you see my baby koala pics?
Awww... behbeh koalas!
I really should link to your main blog as a reminder to check it every now and then. In fact, I'll do that right now. *scurries off*
Here's a link to my behbeh koala pics:
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