
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Prince of Wales Island Photos

Prince of Wales island has little bitty black-tailed deer instead of meese:

They also have real, honest-to-goodness, full-sized trees:

Which A and I hugged, since we are tree-huggers:

And greenery in fall:

And sweet little doggies:

And fossils from an ancient seabed:

Since there are effectively no restaurants on the island, the local school kids made us lunch--salmon chowder in home-made bread bowls. Their bread... it was phenomenal.

They also decorated with little ships--the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, we were informed--because it was Columbus Day!

The islanders seemed completely unaware of any controversy in celebrating Columbus Day. (The superintendent also informed us of parental complaints about the introduction of "Eastern mysticism" into the educational curriculum when he began offering a yoga class. The parents were mollified when yoga was removed, and the class was replaced with "stretching".)

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