
Friday, October 19, 2012

Subaru flaw

Both my prior and current Subarus had a weird little flaw with the headlights. When you need to replace them, you find that the bulb is stuck in as if it is welded in place. You pull and pull (it's a plug-in, not a twist-in), and then it finally breaks loose, but bulb comes flying out, and you wham the back of your hand into the car frame. It's... not awesome. I greatly expand my creative vocabulary in such moments.

The other evening, one prong actually came out of the dang thing and stuck in the socket, and I had to pull it out with pliers in order to put the new bulb in:

What the hell, Subaru?

In other news, yesterday was just breathtakingly gorgeous:


Rena said...

Well if that is your only complaint about the Subaru, that ain't bad! Dave's Subaru WRX is still going strong (I think he's got about 40 or 50K on it), but the heater is busted. Hot air just pours out of the passenger floor vent, even in the summer. ...which might not be a bad thing in Alaska, but is unpleasant down here in Ca!
Oh, and his silver paint is starting to discolor, thanks to our intense sun.

Vanessa said...

What's with the scrape on your hand?