
Friday, December 21, 2012

And what do my moose mittens think of the temperature outside?

Mr. Moose Mitten is unimpressed!

In the past two weeks, I have dropped over $300 on new butt-preserving strategies, including:
* New Carhartts (sans holes!)
* New silk long underwear (again, my old ones were puka pants!)
* New fleece base layer pants
* New lined shell pants
* Wool briefs

Since then, I have run, walked, and skied at -40, and my okole has frozen 0 times.

Whoever said that money can't buy happiness clearly is not unhappy to have a frozen bum!


Rena said...

pooka pants, ha haahaha!
For years I thought there was such a thing as a pooka shellfish because we'd find these ring-like barnacle shells on the beach - pooka shells. But then I realized one day what my mom was -really- saying.

mdr said...

You are a funny girl. Glad you bought new equipment. Be safe and take good care of yourself. Thank you.