
Saturday, November 9, 2019

Yay! First time on the trails this season!

After several back to back snowstorms, we figured that maybe the trail system would be frozen solid and covered with snow. Starbuck and Cricket were ecstatic when we directed them down the trail behind our house for the first time this year!


Rosie Creek was frozen solid and covered with snow! (Yaaaaay!)

The light on the trees is beautiful!

We were the first on several sections of trail!

A Roo selfie!

Then Cricket came over, so I passed the camera to DL so he could take a photo of all three of us!

Uh-oh... Roo has capsized!

Roo in the sunshine!

You can see the tracks where the voles run across the snow and dive for their holes!

Starbuck-a-Roo cleans the ice balls that form in her furry feet. Sometimes I take off a mitten and help.

Our favorite landmark!

Only one swampy part had visible ice!

Sunlight on the trees!

Last summer, State Forestry sent a crew around to execute their "hazardous fuels reduction plan". They came around behind our property lines and thinned out the older trees, so that our properties would be easier to defend in case of wildfire. DL walked down there last summer to check it out, but I only saw it for the first time today. It looks pretty nice, huh? I thought it would be a clearcut, but they cut the trees manually (well, with chainsaws, but not with brush cutters) and left a few sparse ones in place.

It is soup weather now!

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