
Monday, May 25, 2020

Walking photos

In the summertime, the trail system adjacent to the back of our property is a swamp, and the only accessible neighborhood trail is an improved one that is lined with a woven material, and gravel. So we walk there, to the end of the improved trail, and back, most Saturdays and Sundays when we don't plan a longer hike.

Just last weekend, we dropped below freezing one night, and there was a crust of ice on the puddles:

My fuzzies walking ahead of me:



It's not easy to get photos of them when they are off-leash and not on the couch. They are very fast!

This ukky pond is a melting ice lens:

This weekend, we got a bit of rain, and fairy slippers appeared!

So pretty!

My fuzzies walking ahead of me. I cannot hold these girls on leashes. My arms ache, my shoulders ache, I rope burn my hands. I just put them on a skijor belt and bungee all the time.

The forest is in full leaf now:

Aspens, birches, spruces:

Walking, walking!


mdr said...

Maybe if DL walks behind you and the "team", dogs won't pull too hard. They were trying to catch them.

e.davis said...

The fairy slippers are quite lovely- adding some color the ground. Enjoying the pale green colors of your spring & you still had a bit of frost! Looking toward a record breaking week of heat (100+) - canines & humans trying to stay cool with very early morning walks & evening after sunset. Enjoy your spring with the fuzzies:)

Arvay said...

@mdr, good guess, but no. They pull because that is what sled dogs do, DL or no DL. :D Actually, we usually walk ahead of him, but I fell back to take the photos of the three butts.

@d.davis, yes, early mornings are much more tolerable in the heat!