
Saturday, June 27, 2020

A break from your normal silicon2tanana reporting

I have a confession. I've spent a good chunk of quarantine watching virtual choirs on youtube. This one stopped me in my tracks:

Wow. Sometimes when we hear a song or read a poem too many times, we become inured to the powerful words (like the way I'd thoughtlessly barf out daily prayers in Catholic school).

But this stunning interpretation--with that vulnerable girl leading the way--reminds me of what a genius of a poet Leonard Cohen was. I can see in my mind's eye the baffled young King David bringing forth hallelujah.

There's a blaze of light in every word.
It doesn't matter which you heard.
The holy or the broken Hallelujah.


mdr said...

Beautiful, they are carefully social distancing too. Thanks for sharing. Pray that both of you did not and won't go to any physical concert.

Arvay said...

@mdr, yes, their coordinating from a distance is part of the magic of these "virtual" choral pieces. There are online symphonies, too, huge ones with hundreds of players! The musicians are in their homes, and I appreciate when the occasional dog or cat appears in the frame. :)

Only really thoughtless people would go to an in-person concert during a pandemic. Pray that one day you realize that you didn't raise no fool.

gina said...

That was Lovely ~~~~~

Arvay said...

@gina, isn't it? :)