
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Notes from here and there

Wild roses are the third common flower to appear each summer (right behind bluebells and dandelions). They are sweetly fragrant, but have pretty bad thorns.

Look! a ladybug on the bluebells!

My first columbine finally bloomed. Purple and white is my favorite combo!

I had been watching the buds:

And yesterday, the first one opened!

Do you think they are comfy? I sure hope they are comfy.

"I love you Thistle. Squeeeeeeeze."

This is the worst mosquito year of most people's memories.

Look at this! Apparently it's a Giant Ichneumon Wasp. Apparently they use that long appendage to lay their eggs deep in a safe spot in dead wood, where they hope there will be plenty of termites. The larvae come out and eat termites. As adults, these things do not eat at all! (I would be a very unhappy Giant Ichneumon Wasp because I like to eat.)

Since I don't want to go to the farmer's market this year, I subscribed to a CSA. The last time I subscribed to a CSA, it was from Rosie Creek Farm, which was wonderful, but alas, they are now into pot farming instead of veggies, now that pot is legal in Alaska. I don't blame them at all; I'm sure the money is much better, and they have two wonderful kids who would like college funds. But I feel sad at all of the veggies they aren't growing. They have a lot of institutional knowledge about arctic farming, too. I sure hope it is well-preserved in their many interns that have worked there over the years! Well, I did my CSA this year from Calypso Farm. I have taken several classes on farming and animal husbandry at Calypso, but never gotten their CSA. The first arrival was yesterday and was pretty good! I'm a bit baffled by the lovage, but delighted with the Asian veggies!

Pre-morning run snuggle! (DL took this photo.)

Look! Perfectly seared salmon!

Shrimp chow mein with Alaskan spot shrimp from my seafood order from Catch 49.

Aren't they gorgeous?

As per usual, several fires are burning close to town. Burn permits (which people normally get to burn brush piles after tidying up their land) are not being issued this summer, in attempt to limit firefighter deployment and coronavirus exposure for work crews, who work in close conditions. The closest one to Fairbanks was quickly put out, with the aid of rain. Bear dogs are helping to keep firefighters safe!

1 comment:

mdr said...

Amazing Columbine flower. The best color you can hope for. Thank you for the update because I was wondering about the thorny looking plants.

Thanks to the new farm. Stay safe and be careful -- wearing mask, 6 feet away apart, avoid indoors and washing hands (with hand sanitizer before entering your car, with soapy water after arriving home)