
Monday, June 29, 2020

A Warm Fuzzy!

The Ruralite is the monthly magazine that is sent to members of cooperative electric utilities in the Western United States. It is oozing with rural charm. Articles include profiles of heartwarming volunteer organizations, collections of reader-submitted photos of their grandkids on ponies, and so-called "recipes" that suggest new ways to assemble convenience foods. There is also a "letters" section, where readers solicit odds and ends. Often readers are seeking quilting patterns, or very specific colors of embroidery floss that are no longer manufactured, or lyrics to 19th century songs that they recall. Often, a letter will solicit cards for a milestone birthday. "Grandpa Joe would love to receive cards for his 100th birthday!" And the following month, that person will write back, "Grandpa Joe appreciated the over 300 cards that made his day special!" So I thought, what the hell, and sent in my own submission. Apparently it was photographed and posted to facebook, and shared quite a bit!

I never expected to hear anything back from my message to the void, since I didn't provide my own address, so imagine my surprise to receive a package from Volunteer Services, which included this letter:

There were cards:

Among the "thank you" cards was a birthday card! And I know what that means... it's from a rural village with no store, so they sent whatever card they had on hand. These are people with very little cash flow, but they spared the enormous postage fees to cheer up our elders. I'm so touched!


I never said I worked at the Denali Center! But of course Volunteer Services knows how to contact me.

I know my Starbuck-A-Roo is smiling from Heaven knowing that her Friends are so loved and cherished, and that her sister Cricket will resume her doggy love duties when the pandemic is over. I am still mourning her and can't believe that I cannot hold those soffty paws any more. :( But I'm sure she's pleased to know that her legacy continues.

And Cricket, you will recall, has already passed her temperament screening and is ready to take up her mantle as soon as it is safe to do so!

Cricket will be a different kind of therapy dog, for sure. I laugh very hard when she is screaming at me because I'm not preparing her breakfast quickly enough. I hope the elders appreciate her particular charms!

Well now I, too, will have the pleasure of writing to the Ruralite, "Thank you to all of the responses to my request..."


bt said...

This is so amazingly sweet! I teared up. Well done!

Arvay said...

@bt, I know! I teared up as well. :)