
Friday, June 26, 2020

Adventures Close to Home

A few weeks ago, I decided to Be Brave and go to Creamer's Field to see if I could see behbeh duckies. Courage is needed not because of coronavirus (it's easy to socially distance in a big outdoor place), but because of mosquitoes. They are very bad this year, and always worse at Creamer's Field, which has plentiful standing water.

Creamer's Field used to be a dairy operation (and the family's name was Creamer!). The farmers used to spread extra grain to help feed migratory birds each spring. The business closed in 1965, and in 1968 Creamer's Field became a migratory bird refuge.

The roses were at their peak and very beautiful:

I mentioned there is a lot of standing water there?

The ground is thoroughly saturated:

There are boardwalks over the boggy parts:

It was a beautiful day though!

This Very Unappealing Bench:

I had no luck with behbehduckies, but it was a lovely day, more so through my camera lens than through my eyes, which were behind a bug net! I also had to face a Big Coronavirus Challenge. I saw an adorable giant puppy and did not get to cuddle it. :(


mdr said...

May I say this, the nice Creamer Field has that narrow wooden bridge (or pathway). If someone was also walking across that narrow bridge towards you. I pray you and he/she both have masks on. otherwise, I can only pray he/she does not have Covid. The bridge is too narrow to pass each other without minimum social distance. Thank you for consideration. I pray the puppy you met was not on the bridge.

Arvay said...

Oh mdr, those bridges are short enough to see the other side. If you see someone else coming, you can just not go! :D