
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Another day, another weather

Today was overcast, as the storm that had been promising snow for several days finally came in. We had no fresh snow, though. We headed back to the hold neighborhood for another afternoon of skiing. The girls got to run loose the whole way, as I wanted to work on my upper body strength and push my way up the hills!

The sky is dark.

But the girls are still happy!

Here is the same ridge I took a photo of yesterday:

A portrait of Linden:

A portrait of Autumn:

Dan coming up the dark trail:

Brilliant sunset:

The cartons of the local eggs we buy are decorated by the farmers' children. Isn't it cute?

The eggs are a surprise assortment of white, brown, and green, and are delicious, with brilliant, creamy yellow yolks. Of course they are all varying sizes and shapes, and sometimes you get a double yolk. Store-bought eggs, with their efficient quality control and automatic scanning and packing, have lost a lot of charm for me.