
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Final grades

I got an A in math and a B in ice physics. I had a feeling I wasn't doing so hot in ice physics. I averaged about 75-80% on the homework assignments, which would be very high in most physics classes, but... taking a glaciology class where three quarters of the students are glaciologists... yeah, not so good for the self-esteem there.

And now that I am all done with coursework I can say that my GPA from UAF is 3.42. That's not too shabby. I have never gotten very good grades--I was a B student in high school and a C student in my undergrad years. When I did my master's, I finally earned an A/B average, still below most of the smarty-pants people in the Silicon Valley, but I was pleased. And I'm glad I've maintained acceptable grades at UAF.

Besides, I've taken a wider breadth of courses than most people have. I am an engineer by calling and by trade, but I have taken English literature courses with English majors, math courses with mathematicians, graduate level physics with physicists, and now glaciology with glaciologists. I perform near the bottom of some of my classes, but I learn a lot of interesting things and pull off okay grades in the end. I have no regrets about the way I've chosen my educational path, though it gets hard on me sometimes. It's not easy always being the person with the least educational background in all of your classes. There have been days where I've felt just plain stupid. Concepts that are "obvious" or "intuitive" to people that have long been in the same field are not so to people on the outside just now looking in.

And sometimes, I honestly feel that I have out-performed my own natural intelligence, which is quite limited. I have never been one of the "smart kids" in school or one of the "smart people" at work, but I work hard enough and am determined enough (and masochistic enough) to place myself among them. So yes, I have to honestly say that I am one of the least smart people I know, but that that is not a bad thing because I've worked very hard to place myself above where my own limited intelligence would otherwise have placed me. And that's damned cool, thankyouverymuch!


Biting Tongue said...

FWIW -- I refer to you often in conversation as my super-smart college friend who is getting her PhD in Alaska. I believe that whole-heartedly.

E and I like to laugh about how we emailed my physics prof from undergrad and you about the ice-wang phenomenon. Physics prof--"interesting...I don't know". You--"here's the research I've done and what I believe to be the correct explanation."

Don't count yourself short.

Biting Tongue said...

Also, please don't hold the messed up quotations before the period in the first sentence of the second paragraph against me... [grin] ('cause I know you know the English rules too!)

Biting Tongue said...

Second sentence of the first paragraph?

Sheesh...See what I'm saying? You would never post 3 comments like this. You ARE one of the smart kids.

Arvay said...

Ah... curiosity and wonder are marks of my stick-to-it-iveness, not my intelligence! But thanks for the compliments all the same. Yours are always borne of affection and not blind flattery. :)

By the way, here is an awesome ice whang explanation, with photos:

mdr said...

There is no accurate way to measure a person's intelligence. You are right that has a lot to do with a person's background/experience. Those who concentrate on one field generally knows more only in that field. Your broad interest and learning makes you happy and will give you more edge for sure

Debs said...

You obviously have very clever friends, if you're one of the least smart people you know ;-)

smartblippir said...

ooh - your gpa is the same as our old address!

Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

Good on ya mate! (Aussie slang meaning "good job" or "way to go")

Ain't solving (or trying to) second and third order partial differential equations fun?

I like your made up words, btw. I'm sure you've noticed I do the same thing, eh?

The Enforcer said...

If you're not one of the "smart kids", then I don't know what the hell I am. I truly consider you to be one of my most gifted friends. While I admire your ability to admit that you don't know it all, please don't sell yourself short.

And BT said ice wang. Ice. Wang. Hahahaha! ;)