
Sunday, December 20, 2009


When I stepped outside for the first time this morning, I was surprised to find it pleasant. I checked the thermometer, and sure enough, it read -5F/-20C. When I skied to the bottom of the hill, the thermometer down there read -20F/-29C. Now I'm on campus, where the thermometer reads almost the same as the bottom of the hill. I'm glad I live on a hill! During inversions, I'm that much warmer, and above the ice fog.

Tomorrow is the Solstice! I must confess, I kind of enjoy this kind of year, despite the cold. I love the pinkish orangish light on the fluffy snow. It looks like the whole world is made of cotton candy.


Anonymous said...

"skied to the bottom of the hill...."

How do you get back up the hill? Did you take the dogs to the office today to pull you back up?? Pictures! :)

Arvay said...

I take off my skis and walk. :) Then the girls stay home while I drive to the campus. :)