1) In March, preceding warmer days have filled the air with moisture. In fact, I can look outside my South-facing windows, and see the ice crystals freezing out of the air and dropping through the shafts of sunlight. In January, the air is bone-dry, which makes it easier to stay warm.
2) Psychological reasons. You look at the calendar, you look at then sun, and you expect to be warmer! Okay, -20F is quite cold, no matter what time of year it is, but the other night I was crabbing about being cold, when it was positive teens!
Miss Millie sez, "Hoompf!"
Well, at least it is not cold enough for a film of ice to form on top of the dogs' water at night! Yes, when it's around -40, it does! Millie has no such troubles, though, because her water dish is raised.
1 comment:
It's good to be a queen (with a raised water dish).
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