We didn't get our trail time this morning since a mamamoose and her calf were hanging around the trail head. It's annoying because there are only two times of the year we can do morning runs on the trails--Fall and Spring. In Winter, it's dark in the mornings, so we stay on the roads, and in Summer, the trails are inaccessible due to mud and standing water.
The behbehmeese are getting big--about .7 to .8 the size of the mamameese. I guess they are on their own once the next set of behbehmeese are born in Spring. TwoYaks told me that they are weaned in the Fall, which makes sense because that is the rutting season, and nursing reduces fertility. In fact, I've heard that in developing nations, a long nursing period is recommended not just to prevent malnourishment in the babies, but also to serve as a form of birth control for the mamas. So it would make sense that behbehmeese have to be weaned before the Fall rut, otherwise the mamamoose might not get a calf the following year.
So glad to see you were alert about the mama moose. Never challenge an animal and never be too close to an animal that is not yours. Do you know a 40-yr old Marine World female trainer was killed in the water during performance?
Does your digital camera do video as well? Would love to see a short clip of your view while skijoring down a trail!
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