Petty's BBQ!

I got the catfish plate, with hush puppies, potato salad, and fried okra. They added buttered toast, because, you know, what I ordered just didn't have enough fat and calories.

I also got a watermelon from Piggly Wiggly. Yay!
Oogie. My belly hurts.
Thank goodness I'm going home tomorrow. I'll eat nothing but Rosie Creek vegetables and my own peas for a week!
Didja say Fried Okra? Ooooooh!
I wonder if you could tell them to "grill" the fish :-)
Always remember the way to counter greasy food is to drink hot green tea, little by little throughout the day. Chinese drink it to counter greasy Chinese food.
Bring your own green tea on trips in the future.
I'm sure they have grilled fish, but that's not the point of Mississippi!
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