
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Photo Miscellaney

My latest veggie share. They are starting to intimidate me now. Thank goodness for summer cookouts, which always need salads!

"Feed me, Seymour!"

Bee on fireweed:

Autumn fell into a doze while cleaning her teef:


Rena said...

Do I see garlic scapes? mmm!

Arvay said...

Yup! I sauteed them with brussels sprouts that G had bought (said I: YOU. BOUGHT. VEGETABLES?!? *smacked forehead*)

The kohlrabi went into quick pickles with carrots. 'Twas your idea, that you gave me last year!

I finally finished that scary napa cabbage from last week by shredding it fine, wilting it in boiling water, seasoning it with soy sauce, minced garlic, and sesame oil, and bringing it to a cookout!

mdr said...

Napa cabbage goes in chicken soup well -- boil box or home-made chicen soup, add in tofu, carrots, shreded napa, green bean thread (soaked in cold water 20 minutes beforehand).

After done, remove from heat, mix in miso paste OR satay sauce for more flavor OR just salt.

Arvay said...

Good idea!

I've figured out that the key to tackling CSA veggies is cooking them. The lettuces are okay for salads, but the rest, not so much.

For example, did you know that a single cabbage makes enough cole slaw for 867 people?