The trouble with dogs in Christmas card photos is that they are very uncooperative! Either Linden overpowers Autumn:

Autumn overpowers Linden:

Or they are both plum gone!

Our shadows are long:

This is another of my favorite parts of the trail system. It's low in the valley, so the sun and wind barely penetrate, and the trees wear their mantles of snow nearly the entire winter:

For some reason, skiing round tree-lined bends reminds me of photos of trains on their tracks!
The actual photo was a success. Meatworld friends will see it soon! As for the rest of my loyal readers, if you can find a way for me to get it to you without compromising either of our pseudonymities, please let me know! e.g. if you are willing to leave your email address in a comment, knock yourself out. If you have been able to deduce my very tenuously masked identity, put my name into the UAF directory search, find my email address, and email me!
hooperdog at hotmail I'd love to see your photo! I do like the Linden overpowers shot though, wee little doggie on her shoulder is kinda funny. Happy Winter days!
I like the shadow one best.
Do pikake flowers still smell nice?
You're way ahead of me in planning for X-mas... Not that it's surprising I'm late (as usual) but still.
I believe you have my email address - if not it's trudie underline p at hotmail dot com
And I'd love to get a pic of those to dogs!
@mdr: Verrrrry faintly!
Wouldn't it be great to have a way to hold onto the beautiful auroma?!
But some things are most treasured when you know that they don't last! :)
Only if that "some things" are good things :-)
Your blog is great! I enjoy reading it all the time! :)
@Bellexa: Why, thank you!
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