
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Office dowg

This is Loki, wondering why his human went downstairs without him:

"Oh, Chinese girl is taking my photo."


Allmycke said...

This is the third Loki I know of. Stacey over at Yukon Yahoos also have a dog by that name!

Allmycke said...

My fingers move faster than my brain...

TwoYaks said...

Don't feel bad. Loki was alternating between demanding attention and ignoring us all post-thanksgiving. I'm getting the vibe that he's a very aloof dog. :)

Allmycke said...

Loke was one of the gods during the Viking era, so I guess we can claim it as a Scandinavian name...

Arvay said...

He may be aloof, but he whines when he waiting for his master! One thing I've always been grateful for about my dogs is that they very rarely talk indoors. They save all of that husky yipping and yapping and howling for outside!