
Monday, December 17, 2012


I read -40 this morning and thought, *shrug*.

Once again, my personal weather gage was incorrect. It's the coldest it's been so far this year.

Well, brrrrr!

On Saturday, I went skiing at -40 for the first, and, I hope, the last time. I had a colleague visiting from Darwin, Australia, for three weeks, and wanted to take him "sometime". Well, you know how "sometime" often gets put off... and finally his last weekend it town arrived, and it was -40! My colleague has done multiple Antarctic expeditions, and he gives survival training courses in the Australian bush, so when he informed me that he was still game to go, I wasn't concerned in the least. Sure enough, he showed up adequately dressed and with his own daypack of emergency supplies. I wore 3 pairs of pants and 4 shirts under my jacket and was suitably warm, if awkward. At one point, we crossed paths with a couple walking their exuberant puppy, and the puppy bounded up to play with Autumn and Linden. As I reached out to pet the puppy, I literally fell over, like this:

Then I flailed around like an upside-down bug for a few seconds before I got up:

It was... not dignified.


Allmycke said...

I can't think of anyone who is able to look dignified in the amount of clothing needed when the temperature hits -40 and there is a need to pet a puppy...
I refrain from the latter since I look like the Goodyear Blimp once3 the temperature goes below -30C

b said...

Can I just say move? Sigh. I feel bad to see you living like that!

Arvay said...

Why my dear, beloved, well-meaning sister... It pains me to say this and call out my own selfishness, but I just cannot see living my life to make *you* feel good. I choose instead to live my life to make *myself* feel good, and hope and pray that you, too, live your life to make *yourself* feel good.

mdr said...

I hope and pray you are always safe and healthy. Just be careful.

you are great with scatching.

Debs said...

Love the illustrations ;-)

Arvay said...

Well, you know. I have a natural talent for fine art. :)