
Friday, August 15, 2014

The Alcan photos I've owed you

Continuing in reverse chronological order, I present to all nine of my loyal readers, the rest of our Alcan adventures, or at least the parts I bothered to photograph.

Here we have the bustling metropolises of Wyoming, which is 49th in the US in population density (just above Alaska):

Little Bighorn, site of Custer's Last Stand:

A waterfall in Jasper:

Athabaasca Glacier:

Athabasca Falls:

Idiots getting out of their car to photograph a bear:

Very agile sheep!



Stone Sheep!

Muncho Lake!


Wild Columbine!

Another shot of Muncho Lake!

We saw manymany bison, including behbehbison:

One of our more picturesque pee breaks:

A storm was coming!

We crossed (and peed at) more scenic creeks and rivers than you can shake a stick at:

Kluane Lake, where were spent the first night of This Grand Adventure:

The beginning of the AlCan:

Farewell, Tanana Valley!


mdr said...

Love your comment about those stupid bear photographers. They are not from Alaska for sure.

The Wyoming picture has a big sky too. Beautiful pictures and waterfall. Glad to see you get to visit Jasper where I wanted to see but never had a chance yet.

Rena said...

So what does one do with a flat tire or car trouble on the AlCan? Looks like you are always several hundred miles from any car repair place!
Also what sort of idiot stops near a bear?! Yikes.

bt said...

Thanks for sharing! Beautiful pictures.

Arvay said...

@mdr: I was shocked!

@Rena: For starters, I bought a full-size spare tire (no bubble for me, thanks!). In the old days they used to say carry two spares, but the road is better nowadays. As for any other car trouble, it's the same as anywhere in Alaska when you leave Fairbanks or Anchorage. You keep your car fully stocked with emergency supplies, carry basic tools, pull over and wait for help.

@BT: You are welcome!