
Friday, July 3, 2015

The Frito Factory

Lest you think my hard-working dogs just lounge around on the couch all day, you should know that they actually, along with all of the other dogs of Fairbanks, are employed at a Frito Factory. After the humans go off to work or school, the dogs pack themselves lunch...

And the bus comes around and gathers up the dogs.

At the Frito factory, they wear hair nets and gossip while they form Fritos with their toes (the most skilled dogs can make four Fritos with one press of a paw!).

At the end of the day, the bus takes them all home, where they wash their superhero lunch boxes and thermoses, hide them from us, and then curl up on the couch and pretend they've been napping all day.


mdr said...

:-) :-) :-)

LindaMac said...

Do all dogs work in a Frito factory? Why is this not universally known?

Anonymous said...

Haha, this is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure my Loki also is employed during daytime. Why elese would he seem so tired when I get home?

Christy M said...

This explains so much! :D

bt said...

Pure comedy.

Unknown said...

If you really want to know smell their little (or big) paws šŸ¾