After running errands in town, I decided to go to Creamer's Field. I cannot tell you how much I love Creamer's Field. It is somewhat like Golden Gate Park in San Francisco--you get the impression of wilderness, in the middle of the city (only there are no drug dealers or squatters' camps in Creamer's Field). I was generally always comfortable hiking solo in California, but here... not so much. But I can always go to Creamer's Field! I can happily wander around for several hours, not covering the same trail twice, and yet hardly leave sight of the barn. And after my walk, I can go to the little tourist trap shop at the front (which, amazingly, stays open year-round), and a nice little old lady will sell me a cup of hot chocolate. Nice!
Trees in a lively conversation, apparently!
I love this tree, but can't fit it all into a snapshot.
And here is a picture of Rae smiling, just because she is so sweet and charming:
The doofi don't mind Rae any more. I guess she visits often enough. The puppy, however, is another story. Our house has reached mutal agreement that there will be no more puppy visits!
Wowie - snow! It looks like you live in a calendar; the photos are so beautiful.
Our weather has turned to fall over here. The farmers market is full of winter squash, pears, and grapes. This morning it was 43 degrees outside. Balmy by Alaska standards, I'll bet!
Well, it hit 43 in the middle of the day here just a week ago. So you are only a week behind us... :)
I am loving the last of the squash I horded from the last farmer's market. I bake them, boil them, microwave them. I eat them plain, I eat them with butter, I eat them with sweet spices, I eat them with savory spices. I stuff them, I mash them, I put them in pasta, I put them in pies, I put them in stew. I grate cheese on them. Yum squash!
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