
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Misc. Photos

Hangin' with my bud:

View from the window at the base of the stairs. This is the first coherent thing I see most mornings. I check the weather, whether there is snow on my car, etc.

Imagine my surprise to sometimes see this (taken Fall 2006):


Anonymous said...

Does this lady professor have children? house? husband? I know she has a good job.
This is about my graduate adviser at Santa Clara University, who said something I will never forget. This was before she was my adviser or my friend. I was in her course on plastics processing, and at one point she passed around something for us to look at that was, for some reason I can't recall, somewhat intimidating to touch. Maybe she had just pulled it out of the hot thermal chamber or something. Anyway, the first student she attempted to pass it to shrunk back. She let out an exasperated huff. "Oh come on!" she said grandly. "Don't be such a weenie! Life is an adventure! Live it!"

I thought that that was fantastic, and scribbled it down in my notebook, alongside my notes on ideal plastic processing parameters and how to select an appropriate resin: Don't be weenie. Life = adventure. Live!

Arvay said...

Yes, she lives in one of the more pleasant neighborhoods in San Jose. Big houses, lots of trees, etc. Her husband is also an an engineer, and he's a really funny guy also. Great sense of humor. She has two daughters about my age.

She might be reading this. If so, hello LH! Greetings from Fairbanks! :D

Anonymous said...

I am glad to know she has the kind of life most people wish to have. She balanced her spirit of adventure with reality of life. You have mentioned about her before and it seems she is one of your role model. Balancing ideas/adventure with reality is what a real smart woman would do, just like herself.