
Saturday, January 24, 2009

A lovely afternoon in the old neighborhood

It was a lovely, sunny day. I needed sunglasses for the first time since last Summer.

A stand of birch in the forest. These are lovely in the Fall--splashes of brilliant yellow among the green--but this area is inaccessible when it's not Winter. It's all soggy, boggy mud.

Our shadows are still long. This is about 2 p.m:

Heading across the beaver pond:

Evidence that the wind that assaulted us on the river Thursday had evidently been whipping up the snow in this neighborhood as well:

Linden prancing up to the camera:

Autumn amusing herself by zipping around the pond:

The girls under an overhanging pine bough:

Time to go home! The girls take me home:

By the way, Autumn loves her Manmat harness. If I her put her in an X-back (like Linden wears), she puts her nose to the floor, stoops her shoulders, and looks very, very sad. But she likes that Manmat. :)

Lounging around the living room:

The beginnings of last night's dinner:

1 comment:

TwoYaks said...

The snow was pretty packed out on Murphy end of things too. Still some wind out, so all the birds were hanging out in the snow. Good for snowmachining, though I think you like slightly lighter stuff for skiing, eh?