That was awesome!
This is Chewie, my Fourth Most Favorite Dog in the World:
The moon as I was driving home last night from my friends' house.
You know what else I saw this week that I hadn't seen in a long time? A star! Or maybe it was Venus. My already tenuous sense of direction is even worse 'round here near the North Pole.
I have tomatoes that actually ripened! (They are orange.)
Hah! Loving the watermelon shark! LOL!
Be careful with your fingers when playing with knife. I hardly got cut because I hardly did fancy stuff.
Mudder, I think we will just have to agree to disagree on this point. I think cutting myself occasionally in the pursuit of joy is worth it.
You have to think, knife injuries that occur while cooking are only rarely serious (you'd have to stab yourself deliberately with a kitchen knife to cause serious harm; usually, the knife just slips while you are slicing a tomato or something).
Preparing and cooking beautiful and tasty things gives me very much joy.
I think that is worth it TO ME. I understand that it's not TO YOU. But we just have to have our own opinions on this.
Nice tomatoes!
they look so healthy, so jealous. mine are sad with too many days of fog and now this little heat wave. alas. I will have better "tools" for next year's planting.
That shark is awesome!
Also, re this: "You know what else I saw this week that I hadn't seen in a long time? A star! Or maybe it was Venus."
I'm confused - are there lots of clouds where you live? Light pollution? I would think that you'd see ALL KINDS OF OMGZ STARSZ! all the time.
Hee hee...
Anonymous, it doesn't get dark here in the Summer. We're at 65 degrees N latitude. :)
Fairbanks is not a good place for stargazers... in the Summer, there's no darkness, and in the Winter, it's cold, and you have weird visual distortions in the atmosphere due to ice crystals floating around.
So THAT's why everything grows so big (or at least one reason). I kept thinking that the plants up there "knew" it would get cold soon and thus spent lots of energy growing big in a short amount of time. I hadn't considered that one of the reasons they are able to DO that is because they get 20 hours of sun each day or whatever. :)
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