I can blanch and freeze the kale, and I will happily consume the (delicious, unbelievably sweet, ambrosial) tomatoes, sweet pepper, basil, green beans, braising greens mix, and single zucchini. The garlic and onion will keep indefinitely. I can make quick pickles out of the kohlrabi.
But I still haven't eaten the cauliflower from last week, and this week I got another one twice as big. And what's up with that mondo-celery? Mike and Autumn aren't much help with either, although they model nicely.
I think I need to have friends over for dinner tonight. Cauliflower party!
In other news, a guy punched a polar bear as it attacked him. That, my friends, is the textbook definition of a sack. I mean, seriously? Punching a polar bear? Yeah, my new idol.
you need to get a juicer!
Cauliflower juice?? Surely you jest! :)
OH! Oh! I know!!! *rasing and waving arm frantically*
Steam roasted cauliflower with cheese sauce. Very easy. We make it when cauli is in season down here --made it just last night.
Take the greens off the cauli (save em for soup stock though) and put the whole cauli in a large dutch oven. Sprinkle with a bit of turmeric. Put 2 inches of water in bottom. Cover and cook on the stovetop for 45 mins or so.
Gently lift the whole semi-soft cauli out and put somewhere to stay warm. Now, bring the cauli water in the dutch oven up to a boil, add a cup of cream, a bit of sea salt, and CHEESE! We used cream cheese, wensleydale, grated cheddar, and grated grana padana (use parmesan if you don't have it). Whisk it all together and bring to just a boil. Thicken with cornstarch dissolved in a bit of cold water till the sauce is your desired consistency.
Cut off big hunks of the cauli for everyone and liberally ladle the sauce over the top.
Darned good tucka!
Cayenne powder makes a good addition to the sauce. So does cumin powder.
We steamed the califlower and grounded it for S. She ate it with no passion nor disgust.
Just a hint that the farmer whom I got the califlower from told me the smaller it is the sweeter it tastes.
Mexican receipe -- 4 beef back rib and one chopped onion cooked for 2 hours or longer, refrigerate, take off the fat the 2nd day, add sections of corn, few cabbage leaves, chunks of carrots, califlower, potato till soft. Add cilantro and avacado when served.
juice the celery, dolt! it adds a fresh taste to apple and carrot juice!
Seriously, roasted cauliflower - I could eat the whole damn thing by myself, and often do. Hot oven - like 425 and toss florets with good olive oil and sprinkle with kosher salt. Let it go for longer than you think is prudent. I once cooked a panful for like 45 minutes or so. The longer it cooks, the more tender and nutty it gets. Also it tends to shrink to nothing, so fill up the baking tray.
The only thing I do with celery is add it to stock and eat it with chicken or tuna salad. I'm sorry to say that I'm not a huge fan. But I do have to say that it's really difficult to grow celery organically, so your farm must be doing a good job there.
Oh, and lacinato kale's one of my favorites. Just braise it low and slow with just an inch of broth and a little onion and ham or bacon or smoked turkey if you've got it.
The looks on everyone's faces are priceless:
Mike: You're going to make me eat all this stuff?
Doggie: You're going to feed me?
"juice the celery, dolt!"
Oh... HAHAHA!!!
Great cauliflower ideas! Thanks! Nutty? Cauliflower? Hmmm. I do love roasted winter veggies. Lacinato? Is that what you call it? I call it "dinosaur kale" although I'm not sure why. It's one of my favorites, too! I make a great stew out of winter squash, kale, tomatoes, and cranberry beans. :)
I did have a cauliflower party last night and stir-fried it with garlic. I also sent friends home with celery. HAHAHAHA! With friends like me...
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