2) Not everyone wants potholes fixed since they reduce people's driving speed.
3) Having exactly two participants have the following dialogue:
"I present a motion to blahblah."
I second the motion.
"All in favor?"
Both in unison: "Aye" Aye
is sufficient to have something decided.
My polar bear club certificate arrived yesterday, so I had my colleague down the hall take a photo for y'all:
Oh, oh, also...
My Alma Mater was ranked the second best university in the world, right behind Harvard, by the Center for World-Class Universities at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, an organization of which I'd never heard. Their criteria are on their "about" page on their website:
ARWU uses six objective indicators to rank world universities, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, number of highly cited researchers selected by Thomson Scientific, number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science, number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index - Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance with respect to the size of an institution. More than 1000 universities are actually ranked by ARWU every year and the best 500 are published on the web.
I like that it's weighted toward science. :) But these criteria are clearly based on research productivity and success, and not on teaching ability or quality of education. To be ranked "nth best university in the world" is not terribly specific. They should have said "nth best university for research in the world".
So who is this mysterious "Daisy" person and what has she done with Arvay?
I like the scalability. If that's how efficient a 2 person meeting is, imagine how fast a 1 person meeting would be! ;)
Unless you're indecisive then you'll be stuck in limbo for ever! Causality loop from star trek!!!
Are we ssuming that given the small size of Ester that 2 folks at a meeting still constitutes a quorum?
So I guess I'm one of the few bloggers who has a nom de plume that is less interesting than my real, legal name. :)
And yes, we have 2, count 'em, 2, folks on our road service area committee. :)
I like Arvay's picture and happy smile and hope she smiles always
I have always said UCB's Engineering is harder than Stanford's (probably not harder than Caltech or MIT), because too many Chinese families choose UCB over Stanford for its cheaper tuitions, therefore, the competition is harder. My opinion was based on first hand oberservation.
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