
Friday, September 14, 2012

Final veggie share

I forgot to photograph it, but my last veggie share of the season from Rosie Creek Farm contained:

a ginormous cabbage
braising greens
an onion
a bunch of leeks
some fava beans
another stalk of brussel sprouts
another bunch of sweet carrots
mo' potatoes
a bag of tomatillos
a fractal broccoli
a final kohlrabi, perfect for flinging at moose. Just kidding.

this pumpkin:

I also picked up my jug of water that I had left alongside the driveway for topping up my water bottle on long training runs. The farm is about 5 miles away from chez moi, so it's a good watering location. The Equinox is tomorrow. I will be running with G and BT.

I am not that nervous, and I'm more excited about spending time with BT than about the race itself. A colleague came by this morning and asked, "Are you ready for tomorrow?" and I panicked. WHAT was I supposed to do tomorrow?!? "The run?" Oooohhhh. Psh! That little thing! He himself is running it as well. As are friends V, R, AB, and RP, a member of my thesis committee, who runs the ultra every year (that's 40 miles), and the first year an ultra was offered, won.

I have comparatively modest goals.

And then I shall eat.


Rena said...

Hope it all goes well tomorrow. I'm sure it will be safe and uneventful and then you can take it easy for a while and recover. Ultra, huh? Are you planning on doing those anytime soon? woof!

What's the plan for the cabbage? Is sauerkraut in your future?

mdr said...

Watch your knees and ankles, you do plan and will live for another half of century, you have to think for them by that time.

Be smart! Run for fun only, not for competition, not for proving something, not for achievement.

Alaskan Dave Down Under said...

Congrats to you for finishing! Just saw the results list, you and BT did fantastic! Heard the weather was perfect for it too, that's always a plus.

Arvay said...

It was beautiful! Thanks for the encouragement!