
Friday, July 11, 2008

Notes from Here and There

So now we have raspberries, salmonberries, blackberries, all the ones that grow in seedy little clusters on thorny vines.

The campus flower army has apparently completed their work. For the past few weeks, young people in orange vests have been swarming all over campus, putting in brightly-colored annual flowers with a vengeance. But I guess the campus florification is complete, because I haven't seen any of them in several days, and there are flowers crammed into every space that isn't lawn.

Fairbanksians are big into gardening. Almost everyone I know has at least an herb pot, if not a few raised beds. We grow peas, tomatoes, cabbages, kale, broccoli, strawberries, herbs, lettuces, carrots, damn, did I really think I'd type a list of all vegetables? That was silly. But the citified types do flowers, and the campus is a lively explosion of color.

Here are photos from the botanical garden, taken last year. Follow the links at the bottom of the page to "next page" for several pages of flower shots. Something is wrong with the syntax of the previous sentence, but I'm too lazy to sort it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big and pretty flowers just like those vegetables. Don't sniff at them before checking carefully, some flowers have insects inside. Do your neighbors have flowers too?