Of the four exams, I am taking two from physics, which are today and tomorrow, and two from mechanical engineering, which are not standardized and I can request to take at any time. I'm also confident I'll do well on those when they come up, so no worries there. My worries concern the two from physics. Of those two, I took mathematical physics this morning, and am taking classical mechanics tomorrow. Classical mechanics probably won't be a problem. I can do maybe 80% of the problems from the past exams, and I only need 50% of the points to pass. Math physics--HUGE problem. I hardly remember the material from when I took advanced math. I could do maybe 30% of the past years' problems. I almost passed out from boredom when I tried to review my old material. Literally, fell asleep at the table! So I took that one this morning, knowing it would be my sacrificial lamb (I only need to pass 3 of the 4). It went... about as could be expected, I suppose. I'm pretty sure I didn't pass, but I'm as sure that I got enough partial credit to contribute appreciably to my cumulative minimum to pass.
I don't want to spend another Summer studying physics problems, so my backup plan is that if I don't pass these two, I will change my degree from "interdisciplinary studies in physics and ME" to straight ME, and then take nothing but ME exams, which I can pass with flying colors.
Anyway in honor of those of us taking comps, I've decided that we should go to Hot Licks every afternoon this week. My friends, they are such good friends, agreed to this plan. :)
And here are crane photos I snapped this morning. Vaya con dios, you crazy honking birds! Enjoy your Winter in Mexico!
Most of the fireweed in my neighborhood has gone to seed. Yessir, Winter is on the way:
My furry crew relaxing:
Good luck!
Good Luck. ME is better. Enjoy, be safe, healthy and happy.
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