
Friday, March 25, 2011

So that's it

There's no denying it. Spring has sprung. Winter is over. This is breakup. I should snap some photos for you, my all six loyal readers. The disintegrating snow piles, accompanying mud, and splattered dirty icicles aren't particularly photogenic, but I aim to report, not always be pleasant.

This weekend will be my last opportunity to collect snow and stow it away in tupperwares in my lab freezer to continue work through the summer.

But the sun sure is lovely. I was waiting out in the parking lot to meet some friends the other morning. It was maybe around 10 a.m., and not only was the sun up, but it was warm and golden, and I could feel it on my skin. It's a pleasant thing indeed.

My good friend and weekly ski buddy M informed me last night of her opinion that this weekend is the last we shall ski together for the season. So sad.

In other news, I've just roughly summed that there are about the same number, or probably slightly more, of caribou in Alaska than humans. Prompted by the report of the census of the Western Arctic herd.

Here are the numbers I found on the internet:
123,000 Porcupine
32,000 Central Arctic
50,000 Fortymile
45,000 Nelchina
150,000 Mulchatna
348,000 Western Arctic

That's a lot of 'bous.

Here is a photo of the famous Porcupine Herd, compliments of Thundafunda.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"all six of my loyal readers", haaa. just found your blog. i'm not a blog reader, but you popped up when i google-fu'ed "fairbanks tanana mosquitoes". i'm probably headed back for more of the dreadful schooling, and i heard there's alternative energy concerns around fairbanks. your blog is fun, :). your hood looks like how i grew up - which looks like "fargo" (ala coen bros) but isn't.