
Friday, May 27, 2011

Most heartwarming morning news report ever!

So this morning on my way into town I heard this report on the local news.

A group of oil pipeline workers rescued a behbeh musk ox who had been abandoned by her mama. The details get better. She had been without care for a while, and they saw that she was weakening, so they called Fish and Game, who authorized the rescue, which is amazing considering how asinine they can be sometimes. My favorite part of the story: The group of pipeline workers just happened to include, oh, a medic, a ranch hand, and a veterinarian. Seriously? Sometimes God really throws us a bone.

Little behbeh mox was cared for and then shipped to Fairbanks to the Large Animal Research Station. I hope she integrates nicely into the herd! Here is a photo. Is she a-freakin-dorable or what?

Here is a link to a report from The Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, with MORE PHOTOS of behbeh mox girl. Oh, and you know what's better than behbeh mox photos? MO' behbeh mox photos! Here is the Alaska Dispatch's report, with the aforementioned mo' photos.

Here are some other miscellaneous photos.

My dinner last night, in its entirety. Warm weather completely destroys my appetite. It's a bit sad, because I love to eat! No more bacon, moose stew, steaming bowls of beans, etc, etc. Every spring, I throw out half a package of bacon that I suddenly cannot imagine eating any more.

My yard, sporting a week's growth. Have we really be green only for a week?

Ms. Millie B. Doofus, Supreme Ruler of the People's Independent Republic of Bunnistan, sez: "I love all the new growth!"

Here are the dawgs. They have just begun shedding.


mdr said...

Cook some "green bean soup" and chill it in your frig, it is good for a few days. Eat it plain or add some sugar. High in fiber and protein. Also good if cook with a little rice.

bt said...

I love the Musk Ox rescue story! Yay for second jobs!

Anonymous said...

The "baby musk ox" is clearly a muppet not a real, live animal. duh. nothing could be THAT ADORABLE!