
Monday, December 17, 2007

The girl is too sweet...

That's why my productivity has been down lately. Every time I sit down, she puts her big ol' head in my lap! GAH!

Here I am, sitting innocently on the floor trying to fold my socks, and this happens! How can anyone concentrate?


Anonymous said...

oooh - such tender pink ears on that dog!
Tomorrow when the kiddos wake up we'll read our new book about doggies up in Alaska, thank you!

lucky_girl said...

omg. that is SO. CUTE. i'd never leave the couch if she looked at me like that. How do you always have a camera ready for those uber-cute moments?

The Enforcer said...

So, one of my fave bloggers has this big, puffy, HILAROUSLY cute cat named Winston. I frequent his blog in hopes of seeing a new Winston video. People are fanatic about Winston. (go to fourfour linked on my blog, and choose the "Kitty pride" label for all things Winston)

May I request some adorable Autumn videos? Youtube it. I'll watch ;)

Arvay said...

jaykay, that thing is terrifying! They call it a cat? :D

The Enforcer said...

OMG, Winston is the CUTEST!! The one video of him meowing over and over just cracks me up. And whenever I need to laugh, I just watch the one of him trying to get to the protein shake. Hilarious. I (heart) Winston!!

Arvay said...

Well, he looks veeeeerrrry angry to me. And I already have an angry animal at home, thank you very much! :)