There had been thunderclouds gathering every evening this week, but it wouldn't start to rain until later in the night. So we'd been going for nice, cool evening walks. But yesterday, when were were about 2 miles from the house, the clouds burst and began pouring rain. That was uncomfortable, but tolerable, until hailstones joined the rain. Dangit! I thought to take temporary shelter at the next house that had a covered porch, but, surprisingly none of my neighbors that way have a porch! Something I hadn't realized until yesterday. So the girls and I high-tailed it home, the hailstones pelting us and the rain drenching us the whole way. When we got to our own (singular) porch, I toweled off the girls, then peeled off my T-shirt, pants, and socks, and wrung them out and hung them outside. Then I stepped inside and peeled off my underthings and wrung
them out, along with my hair, in the sink.
And my forearms looked like this:
Right arm:

Left arm:

And this morning, when we stepped outside, the air smelled sweet and fresh, like roses and Spring dirt.
Maybe keep a light-weight plastic raincoat inside your light-weight back pack whenever you go out hiking, running, skiing. Better be safe than sick.
As for the dogs, animals are born tougher than humans, husky can run in snow for days, no worries.
It was warm. I had no danger of catching a chill. It was more getting pelted. Ouch!
Wow - look at those red spots! I'm glad you made it home safely. 2mi is a long way to run in a hailstorm, agh!
I also should add that you're a very generous doggie-mom, toweling off and taking care of your doggies before your own self. Such lucky animals!
Oh no! It's not about prioritizing the dogs... It's about getting them inside first so they don't "help" me undress and wring out my clothes. Linden is... how you say... very crotchally-oriented, and I definitely don't want her around when I'm in my underwear. Autumn would probably have cuddled up to my wet legs with her wet coat. Bleggah!
I do welt and get pink marks easily. They fade in half an hour to an hour. :)
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