Thus far, the bunched veggies have been only so-so, but the baby lettuce mixes, braising greens, and radishes have been outstandingly delicious. I'm not a fan of the mystery red vegetable--it was tough and bland--and I have yet to hear back from the farmers as to its identity. I'm curious whether this beautiful bok choy is any good.
These are the kinds of tidbits I get in my CSA newsletter:
... Already most of our seeded-in crops are up in the field and all of our transplanted crops are planted. We did have a moose come into the farm last week and it ate most of the early Swiss chard or at least put quite a dent into it. Fortunately we tightened down the fence and we haven’t seen the moose since. The chard is coming back and we seeded in some more for good measure...
Blogger eliminates them, but Farmer Mike charmingly uses double spaces after full stops. When did that go away? It even disappeared from my own personal use, and I'm pretty averse to language changes. And although I prefer British rules regarding commas inside vs. outside of quotation marks (they are just more logical!), you will pry my Oxford commas out of my cold, dead fingers! Long live the Oxford comma, deep dish apple pie, peanut butter sandwiches, root beer, and deep fried cheese!
I still use double spaces after full stops (the proper way lol) - I think it started to disappear when most people started to word process, rather than type.
BTW I had a dream I was in Alaska and met you in person. It was very odd.
Love the Oxford comma.
I still do double stops...
I hope I was nice to you, Debs! :)
Back when I was writing for a certain sports site, an editor emailed me to let me know that NO ONE uses double spaces and that the site's policy was to publish articles that only included single spaces.
I still use them out of habit, though. Good thing Blogger takes them out...
Oh yes, you were nice to me. You let me meet the dogs (though I can't really remember that bit), and took me to some kind of indoor market with stalls selling all sorts of international items.
Wow, Debs. That is quite a bit of detail! I'm quite impressed with your imagination!
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