One spear:
Macro shots are always a challenge when Linden is present. She cannot stand to see me pay close attention to anything but herself!
You see, it's just a few spears here and there:
Here is my crazy yard. Just look at all that... stuff that springs up as soon as the snow is gone!
My trees:
That, my friends, is over three cords of firewood, all split and stacked by yours truly. Each pile you see is two deep:
My front yard is as crazy as the back:
My sweet fuzzies:
My poor work gloves, on their way to the trash:
How are your allergies with all the stuff growing and blooming in your yard?
The fireweed looks fantastic. Dave's mom gave us a giant mayo jar full of fireweed honey last year which we just finished off. It was yummy. Hmmm, you don't get bees up there, do you?
Congrats on all the firewood. Lordie, that is a LOT of wood. Do little critters tend to nest in your stacks of wood? I recall a family of skunks once took up residence in our firewood down in LA. It wouldn't have been so bad except they'd get into fights with the neighborhood cats. phew.
You Realize Daisey, I think you've become a Lumberjack... minus the beard... Or so I think?
Please be careful not to hurt your back or anywhere else. Hiring someone if work is too "lumberjacky".
Firewoods flowers are beautiful and hardy, like my girl
My allergies do act up in the Springtime, but their severity does not correlate at all to the pollen counts reported in the daily newspaper. I can't figure it out. But they are mild, so I just drink a lot of tea and keep my hair out of my face, and I get over it.
They have fireweed in the Seattle environs? It is beautiful, isn't it? I do adore fireweed honey; it's mild and pleasant. But it costs twice what even the next level of 'gourmet' wild-harvested, tree-hugger-friendly, blah-blah honey does, so I only buy it occasionally.
Splitting/stacking wood is not hard on my back. I don't even find it tiring. I could do it for hours. I am limited only by overheating and boredom. After a while, I just want to go do something else!
As for critters, all we have in the way of nuisance critters are voles (tiny mice) and squirrels. Neither of them nests in my firewood. I have noticed that the birds like to pick through the bark and wood splinters that accumulate around my wood-splitting area... I wonder what they are after?
And yes, we do have bees, several kinds--honeybees, fuzzy bumblebees, and some small, thin bees that I'm not sure what they are!
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