
Saturday, June 26, 2010

On and around Murphy Dome

I had planned to walk the 5 or so miles down to the Chatanika River, then back, but the girls just got too warm to make a full day hike, so we turned back early, burning through the better part of 2 liters of water. We'll have to wait for the weather to cool down again before we can take longer hikes.

Are they pooped!


mdr said...

The sky is so blue and clear, I almost smell the freshness of the Alaska air. Have a great weekend

Rena said...

Beautiful. I was just reading about your gardening zone in the Sunset book. It groups Fairbanks with "the interior". Says that you'd be in good shape to find a west-facing slope to grow your summer veggies. So does any of your property face west?

Two litres of water is some serious water. Do you carry little collapsible doggie bowls with you, or are the girls trained to lap out of a tipped bottle?

Arvay said...

I carry the little collapsible doggie bowl. Yes, we are in the Interior. :) Unfortunately, the west side of the little knoll on which my cabin is situated is heavily wooded, so my veggies are on the South side. I was going to take photos yesterday of my first green tomato and my crazy Medusa potatoes, but I forgot my camera at a friend's house. :(

DJC said...

Thanks for sharing these photos. What a beautiful day. It looks so relaxing and enjoyable to be able to walk around that area with your wonderful dogs!

blip said...

the dogues should carry their own water in dog backpacks. I have one for you if you don't have one.