Now here are some photos of all sorts of miscellany.
Office dogs:
My friends playing music at the Fairbanks Folk Fest:
Linden meeting a young fan:
I just love the interactions between wee little kids and dogs. If you think about it, babies ought to be terrified of dogs. The size ratio between a toddler and a dog is approximately that between an adult human and an elephant. How would you feel about a giant, carnivorous elephant with fangs? I'd be terrified, but toddlers run up to Autumn and Linden and hug them! And Linden loves them! To me, it's evidence of our long partnership with dogs, which has been so intimate and so useful that not only have dogs evolved be attached to us, but we have evolved to be attached to them!
The girls relax while the bands play:
It's strange to me to see them on a manicured lawn!
The girls with me in the yard after splitting wood for the day.
They cannot hang out with me while I split wood because they tend to sit WAY too close. The tally so far: A cord of purchased spruce, a cord of purchased aspen, one giant black spruce from my front yard that had died standing and came to about half a cord, and another 1.5ish cords of mixed spruce and aspen that date from when my land was cleared. And it's all split and stacked except for that last bit on the right there.
When I saw that Autumn was laying there in such a nice pose, I decided to attempt a family portrait. This doesn't work so well with a camera timer and dogs:
No thanks, Autumn
How wonderful that you're allowed to bring the doggies into the office with you.
And I'm with mudder on the whole dog slobber business. yech. Happiness, but still, yech.
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