My guess is that they weren't wearing seat belts. People don't wear seat belts in the villages, so they aren't in the habit. Also, I'm sure the remaining ice on the highway from Icepocalypse didn't help. People need to slow the hell down when driving on ice! Death is too high a price to pay for a few minutes of time saved. Not to mention, even if you get into a non-death, non-injury accident, you'll still lose at least half an hour while you wait to get towed out of the ditch!
Several people died in villages earlier this winter, as well, due to the late start on winter. The ponds and routes that they normally snowmachine over had not frozen solid yet, and they went in and died.
Alaska is a strange place. Everyone thinks the cold threatens us, but what's closer to the truth is that we acclimate to the deep cold, and when it's only slightly cold instead of butt-ass cold, we have all sorts of trouble. I'm sure the remaining ice on the roads and highways will cause problems for months to come. :(
Now, to cheer you up after that, here is an adorable video of some kids in the Yup'ik village of Quinhagak. Story described here. Merry Christmas!
Here is another shot of my current crew. Pretty girls, aren't they? The dogs pose nicely; Millie shows her best side. :)
I just got back from driving both the Parks and the Rich, and yeah, the stretchs out of Fairbanks are still really dangerous. What got me was how many people were driving stupid fast on the highway at night, especially with as many critters have been hanging out on the road.
I wish we spent more money checking ice conditions and disseminating that info as a state...
Sorry for your loss... that's a total bummer.
Pls be careful. Although the coldness itself does not kill Fairbank people, the icy road is a threat, low-visibility due to dark days is also a threat..
Just be careful at all times, please.
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