
Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to use a large quantity of miscellaneous veggies

Slice them up, sprinkle with minced garlic, lemon, and olive oil, and roast:

Not bad over pasta with a generous grating of your hard cheese of choice (mine is pecorino):

Sam, her mama, and another friend came over to join the veggie consumption feast. I hadn't seen Sam in a while, and she was anxious to remind the members of my household that she still LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES us. Even Linden was overwhelmed. Sam followed me around and lashed her tongue here and there attempting to kiss whatever she could catch with it. My huskies hid in a corner:

Here is the sunset last night as I was seeing them off. It was around 10 p.m.

And here is one of those bits of yellow I was telling you about. Fall will be here soon.

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