Here is a map of Alaska:

I live in Iowa, and the storm is in Arkansas.
(Thanks goes to Flying Fish for the idea of using this graphic to reassure Outside folks.)
As for us in peaceful and sheltered ol' Fairbanks, all we'll get is cold. But that, my friends, is not news.
That map is so helpful for explaining relative distance! I love when people ask me why I don't drive to Anchorage to go shopping or a movie.
Yeah, we've had snow here in "Tennessee" but it's just another winter storm warning.
Graphhic doesn't look like it has the right scale to it.
It looks about right to me... The contiguous US is about 3000 miles across, and it's about the same distance from Fairbanks to Anchorage as it is from SF to LA. Both metrics check out, so I'm cool with it.
Just be very careful and prepare the cabin and the car for the harsh weather.
Hi Mdr:
I'm sorry if you did not catch my meaning by this post. The point was to inform you that the storm is VERY FAR AWAY from me. :)
Fairbanks to Anchorage is analogous to SF to LA? And then checking google maps, by golly you're right. I was surprised because when we rode the train from Anch to Fair it took 12 hrs. Wow, that train sure was slow!
Yes, I remember the ferry boat that we took had stopped in Cordoba before coming to our stop at Whittier. That was a looooong way away from you! And geologically speaking, quite different terrain.
I like that map. I needed something like that to explain why, when I was in Boston (MA, not the UK one, obviously lol) I didn't just pop over to see relatives in Idaho for the day!
Right that's all fine and good, but I was just saying if you only look at the graphic and graphic alone it doesn't visually match up.
MP, you're going to need to be a bit more specific with your disagreement because I have no idea what's bugging you. The map might look a bit wonky because on Mercator projections, which we Americans are accustomed to seeing, Alaska is WAY more stretched than the Lower 48 is, but that graphic suits my simple purpose.
There you go, you just proved my point :) Thanks.
Still confused. :(
Alaska isn't an island off the coast of Baja either. If you look up "most accurate projection for Alaska map" or something like it, there's no good answer.
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