
Friday, August 24, 2012

Et Cetera

1) Smoky, smoky, smoky. The wind is blowing smoke from the Dry Creek fire into town. It sucks. But my neighborhood seems okay. I didn't smell a thing amiss on my run this morning. There are some pretty cool photos in that article.

2) So the other day I was visiting my old home department on campus, when I literally stopped in my tracks at the sight of a luscious, enormous painting of a single flower:

Mesmerized, I walked up to it. The detail was incredible:

I recognized the name. The artist is my neighbor a mile down the road, in whose yard I'd been keeping a gallon jug of water for my Equinox training runs. She's quite well-known in the artist community, and beyond.

Look, her painting is almost indistunguishable from a photo:


Rena said...

A cosmos flower! Neato!
Does she usually do flowers? As in, would you recognize her work anywhere?

Arvay said...

She usually does giant flowers exactly like that. It *is* pretty unique. :)

mdr said...

Chinese love to paint peonies. There are white, pink and red peonies, all beautiful. This artist is good too

Vanessa said...

Oh that's beyootiful!