
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A balmy 0F today...

Today is so warm that when I returned from my morning walk with Autumn, my forehead was coated with a layer of unfrozen sweat. I am wearing a lighter jacket, and light, uninsulated boots. I felt like not wearing long underwear today, but then I said to myself, "Um, HELLO? It is still 0F/-18C."

But it feels so warm!


Anonymous said...

Drink a lot of liquid and wipe off your sweat. It is easy to catch a cold when sweating in the wind. Have a good day

Anonymous said...

I, too, have shed my heavier jacket and am wearing lighter clothes. I felt like wearing shorts today, but then I said to myself, "Um, HELLO? It is still 65F!"


Glad to hear the worst of winter is over for you. Hope you and Dan have a good Valentines day!