
Saturday, February 9, 2008

Autumn befriending the Doofi

Autumn and the doofi have been comfortable with each other since day two, when they got over fear and/or fascination and went straight to ignoring each other, except for the occasional nose-touch through the bars of their pen. But lately they have expressed more interest in each other, sniffing each other up and down and actively following each other along the pen, so I've been trying opening the pen. And how sweet it is... I think they are actually making friends! Tonight Autumn laid down next to them while they had their dinner! Awwwwwwww!

The doofi aren't afraid of her, either. They hop freely about while she follows them around. My only fear is that either something will startle them, or they will just decide it's time to run the Bunny 500 and race up and down the room, and when they do, Autumn's chasing instinct will be activated and she'll go after them.

Things are proceeding cautiously... but Autumn definitely feels companionable toward them! She didn't even react when Bunn hrrmphed in her face!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute!