It was a gorgeous day--warm and bright, with the sun beaming down. I just wish. We. Had. More. Snow. But it was such a lovely day that there were a lot of recreational people out on the river. About 8 dog teams, 20 snow machiners, 10 other skiers, two people on bicycles (funny, huh? "What a lovely day!" "Why yes, let's go for a bike ride on the river!") and two walkers. There was also a guy out on a four-wheeler with the wheels modified to look like a tank.
Dog team, waiting very impatiently, to take off:
Another team on the river:
Linden sitting pretty:
Sam rolling around in the snow (one of her favorite things to do!):
Autumn sitting pretty:
Happy Year of the Tiger, everyone!

Happy to see you had a happy skiing. Happy and healthy 2010to you and your animals.
Yesterday I unloaded my snowmachine at the boat launch at 6am, figured I'd go hunt moose, and then use the snow ramp that I topped off to re-load my machine. But when I came back at 2p, the place was absolutely full of people, and there was a truck on both sides of the snowramp. It was a busy weekend!
Happy Chinese Newyear!
It was very busy on our usually deserted dog walk too. I think it's the Valentine effect - either lots of lovey couples out for a romatic bit of fresh air, or all the singles getting away from it all lol Or in my case, a nice OH letting me escape toddlerland and have a nice bit of time to myself, just me & the dog!
Yeah, the last time I saw that many cars in the parking lot was Stew on the Slough, last Spring.
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