2. Ham, cheese, and onion quiche
3. Macaroni and cheese with ham
4. Stir-fried ham with mustard greens over rice (Does anyone besides Chinese-Americans and Taiwanese eat this? It's delicious!)
5. Ham enchiladas (a little unusual, but quite good)
6. Straight up, from the foil, tossing bits to the dogs
7. In split pea soup
And finally, my friends, the 22-pound Chinese Easter ham is gone. :)
Here is a photo of Bunn that I've just stumbled upon. He is about 4 years old here, and this is before we got Millie. He was just so... disgusting and cute at the same time!

Does your ham have nitrates and phosphates? If so, I think the best place for leftovers is the trash... :(
Whoa... that's kind of harsh for a once-per-year item. Nitrates and phosphates are bad for you, but they aren't causes of acute poisoning! Do you suppose that a pair of identical twins, one eating two pounds of ham a year, and the other not, would have any health difference whatsoever?
Now YOU, personally, I could see being ultra-careful while you are nursing a wee one, because toxins concentrate in breast milk, and a developing infant is more susceptible to harms that an adult body can shrug off.
But the rest of us ordinary adults? A carcinogenic grilled burger here, and handful of m&ms there. Psh! We'll be fine. :)
Dave's mom always says the definition of eternity is two people and a ham.
And yet, you've defied the odds and finished that ham - woah! Me, I like to use the bone and any "juice" for split pea soup or bean soup.
And cooking a little ham with greens - yummm! Kale - it's all about kale. Heh, given kale's immense quantities of antioxidants and anti-carcinogens, can it cancel out the nitrate baddies? Do the two ingredients make small explosions in the pan or in one's tummy as they go to battle? heee heee.
Occasonal junk or semi-junk food is okay, but people could have taken some home after the party too. That Bunn is on the other side of the rainbow bridge but my memory stays on that summer morning I first saw his little body under the parked car.
Oh, of course I passed out leftovers, but there was still more. :)
yeah i have been extra conscious these days, especially since I've been paying attention to what I'm eating for the little miss. But also, I just finished watching Food Inc (Michael Pollan movie) and you know everytime you finish a Michael pollan book, you start getting all health conscious!
PS you can get all natural ham more and more these days as more people jump on board on the natural, real food trend. but you pay more for it. you'd probably have to go find a local farm and buy direct, as opposed to at freddy's. but who knows, maybe freddy's health food section has them.
Ah yes. A new market just opened in town that sells only locally-produced, steroid-free, antibiotic-free, grass-fed, blahblah meat. I will visit this weekend and report back. It sounds promising! I added it to my list of links...
http://www.alaskahomegrown.com/ :)
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