Looking South behind the wood stove. This is looking behind the cabin to my land.
Looking East behind the wood stove. This is the direction of the main road.
Looking South from the kitchen window. These are my moose curtains!
Looking North into the front yard. I park my car right in the yard, like a true redneck. ;)
And looking to the left from this same window, you can see right up the driveway to the dirt road on which we live. I hung a towel on the porch in anticipation of muddy paw season.
The dogs are hot. Since temperatures are warmer now but still cool (right around freezing at 30s F or near 0 C), I still need to light a fire every night, but have to micromanage it in order to prevent it from overheating the house.
I snapped this photo of Miss Millie just so you don't forget she exists. :)
Autumn is so sweet, like a teddy bear.
Linden says, "Are you looking at me? Why, of course you are! I am the cutest dog on earth!"
Both of the girls have Spring fever and are exceptionally bouncy and exuberant lately, which says a lot because they are bouncy and exuberant by nature! In the mornings, while they wait for me to drink my tea and eat my banana before we go for our morning run, they sit or lie down and pretend to relax, but you can tell that their every muscle is ready to spring. They could wear little T-shirts that say, "Warning: Contents Under Pressure!" When I let them out to pee, they shoot straight down the hill like rockets. Then I hear silence for a few minutes, which juuuust starts to make me nervous (where are they??), when they suddenly come shooting back up the hill like two bats out of hell. What are they doing down there? Who knows? But I'm not the type to let my dogs wander around outside for indefinite periods of time, as many people in our rural area do. I'd be too worried that they'd get hit by a car or get into a trap.
My vet told me that the majority of dogs who get hurt in traps don't get hurt by the trap itself, since most trappers trap for little critters, and such little traps can't really hurt a dog. The majority of injuries are due to frostbite from the dog's being pinched in the trap for several hours in the cold. Then the paw loses all circulation and dies, and later has to be amputated. I could not, for the life of me, be comfortable with not knowing where my dogs are for several hours. I'm not even comfortable not knowing where they are for several minutes!
YOu are to the dogs like how I was with you and Blr.
By the way, I love the "liveliness" of your curtains. Where did you find the brightest red curtain ties from?! and the idea to tie them on blue and yellow curtains :-)
All of the curtain materials are from the fabric store. I like bright colors because I am Chinese and tacky by genetic programming. :)
So what's the deal with the muddy paw towel? The dogs actually stand on the porch patiently while you wipe down each paw? Unbelievable!
How lovely your views are. One day, one day we'll come up to see it in person!
They do stand on the porch, but not so patiently. They don't like to have their paws held. You should definitely come visit We could put the kids on sleds and tow them while skiing!
Red, yellow and blue makes cheery rooms :-)
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